Newborn Baby Photos – Asleep or Awake!

As a newborn photographer here in Victoria, I often get asked how do I keep baby asleep while changing positions, props and hand/feet placement. There are definitely a few tricks. If parents have listened well to the prep instructions to keep baby awake for a couple of hours before heading into their session, then are given a full feed before heading over, we are already in good stead for a sleepy session. The addition of a little warmth, some white noise & a comfy wrap often help baby settle and the session begins!

I usually start with a few props where baby is wrapped, adjusting his little hands and placement in each set-up. When these are finished, I move onto the beanbag set-ups where we try to get an unwrapped baby photo before adding on some sweet wraps and hats.

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I’ve definitely had my fair share of babies that are wide awake for part of their session though. What happens if they don’t want to sleep anymore?… just go with it!! How adorable is a newborn baby that is looking straight at you, so deeply??!! I think it’s fantastic to get the variety of awake and asleep, so if baby opens his/her eyes and it’s the end of the session, we honestly just go with it! We open up the wrap a little, often get the cutest yawns, a few arm stretches and leg stretches and baby most often is quite content to peer at me, we complete our set-ups and then he/she is ready for family photos or to head home. 

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This sweet little guy was just the same. We got the cutest little sleepy set-ups for his newborn photo session and then got the bonus of the best wide awake looks too. I mean, “feet in the air don’t care” is in right now, right??!!

If you would like to book a newborn session for your upcoming arrival, please don’t hesitate to call me at 250-885-6860 or email to find out more!


Newborn Photography ~ This Precious Baby Boy-Victoria, BC

We have had so many beautiful baby boys visit us lately in the studio!! I love that mom picked grey, blues and greens! We haven’t used a lot of this green so it was fun to incorporate, wonderful with his skin tones and perfect for this gorgeous newborn boy. He had the sweetest cheeks and showed us his little dimple when he hugged the teddy bear!!
amanda victoria Newborn Baby Boy Blog
Then we moved into the blues and he was so calm and let us capture so many different set-ups! I am really enjoying making different “fluffs” for our props by choosing wool at our local craft store, then pulling apart the fibres to make a soft nest for our bowls or baby beds. You can see this in the last image in the bowl. 
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If you are thinking of booking a newborn baby photography session in the next few months, please don’t hesitate to send me a note (you can email me at Our sessions are filling quickly and I am taking limited bookings over the summer holidays. Thank-you to all the wonderful families who trust me to capture this beautiful time in their lives xo
Please head on over to see Jenna Marshall Photography’s latest session share, she is a fantastic newborn and family photographer based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. 

Including Out-takes in Baby Galleries

I have to admit, I used to just delete the outtakes from all of my newborn baby sessions. Curating a gallery to only keep the moments I deemed technically ‘correct’, smiling faces or perfectly posed. However as time has gone on, I realise that the funny faces, the silly looks, the yawns, the frowns, & the scrunchy faces are some of the most memorable!! They are also the most real and truly capture the many looks that little ones show us! I love how babies can fall into the different stages of sleep, each bringing new looks. Sometimes we are lucky enough to get bright eyes at the end and it always is surprising how they seemingly look right at me. Heart melt!

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So, how many of you love the outtakes?? Would you prefer a perfectly “curated” gallery of images that are all ‘just so’, or would you rather the whole array of sweet smiles, beautiful poses and all of those gorgeous in between moments?! 

As a baby photographer here in Victoria, BC I am so fortunate to capture all of these sweet moments.

Newborns to 4 Months Old!

So by now all of you know how much I adore the newborn stage and capturing those curly, sleepy babies in our newborn sessions… I really do!! But what I love about our baby planner families is that I get to see your sweet babies grow and capture the most adorable milestones as they develop. 
These two little sweeties just came back for their 4 month baby session and while the 3-4month sessions are not often (or ever;) sleepy, they capture the amazing little personalities that are emerging through their adorable smiles, expressions and squishy little “baby-ness”. It honestly is one of the cutest stages to capture and  slightly easier than the next as they are not yet moving!! Also I find babies of this age do not often make strange so their cute smiles often emerge after I make a silly face or funny sound. It really is so adorable!!
We do have a limit as to how long these little ones are happy to interact with me and my camera so I tend to book 30-40 minutes only and watch for little signs that they are tired and ready for a snack and to be finished in the studio. Your little one always lets us know when time’s up!
Have a look to see how these precious baby boys have grow from their newborn session to their first milestone session at 4 months of age!! We can’t wait to have them back again between 8&9 months to see how much they’ve grown and changed again!
If you are interested in planning your year of baby’s photos, the First Year Baby Planner Collection includes your maternity session, newborn session, two milestone sessions (I recommend 4 months and 9 months) as well as a One Year Celebration session with the whole family back again in the studio. I can’t wait to capture these incredible stages for you!!
To book a session with Amanda, please call 250-885-6860 or email her at Can’t wait to meet you and your growing family!

Welcome Baby Boy

So excited to welcome this gorgeous baby boy into our First Year Baby Photography Plan. Mom came to visit me in the studio a few weeks before babe arrived for her maternity photo session. He will then come back to visit us for his 4 month and 9 month milestone sessions and then a celebration session with the whole family when he turns one!! 

These soft colours and natural tones from this session are perfect for a baby boy. Just a week old, he was so chilled throughout his session. Then awoke to give us the most beautiful little looks!! I know that babies can’t fully see when they are this young but it always surprises me as to how they can focus so directly, my heart melts every time!!

Once big sister arrived we got him all wrapped up, she happily snuggled him and he drifted back to sleep again. She was so sweet with her baby brother in her arms and proudly held him. What a dream!!

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Amanda Haddow is a photographer specialising in newborn photography, baby photography and maternity photography in Victoria, BC. If you would like to capture this beautiful stage for your baby please call Amanda at 250-885-6860 or email her at

Inspiration in Newborn Photography

Inspiration can be found in so many places. I started my journey to professional photography in the UAE and over the next couple of years drew so much inspiration from my friends who were established photographers. Kirsty Larmour Photography, Emma Wood and Chloe Lodge Photography to name a few. Often loving a body or work that was different from mine and still unsure of the style I was leaning toward. 

As time went on, I found that I absolutely loved working with new mamas, capturing them in the precious stages of pregnancy and then again when baby was born. I was drawn to newborn photography and fell in love with it when I mentored with Jillian Greenhill Photography. Her style of photography is so classic and clean, beautifully hand edited images that are perfectly captured for parents and I was so very fortunate to be mentored by her and learn from one of the best!! I am continually drawn to her use of colour and her ability to capture newborn portraiture effortlessly (trust me, it’s a lot harder than it looks!! 😉

As the years have gone by my style has emerged. Using a soft palette of pastels and many neutrals as my backdrop, I’m able to create the images I have always loved and have become my favourites. Soft, light, bright, airy, timeless portraits of baby. Many of my images are nature inspired, I often combine a blend of simple monochromatic set ups with a touch of florals, leaves and textures and draw inspiration from the colours and tones that are in a gorgeous bouquet.

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For more inspiration, please head over to see Lynne Harper Photography’s page. She is a very talented newborn and baby photographer in Ayrshire.